Thursday, October 31, 2019

My Family Is My Life Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

My Family Is My Life - Essay Example The examples that show these lessons on virtues include kindness, care for others, and development of my good attitude in life towards people and the society, and patience. The second reason for the family is the main foundation of my life is my parents. My parents were the ones who taught me how to eat, build relations with others, how to write and behave making the family as important as ever. My parents also developed me in terms of providing better care, housing, and companionship.   The basis for the formation of life’s values. Many of the values I have were developed at the family unit. Family enabled the formation of basic life values including good mannerisms, morals that act the idea face in the society, development of character, and these all make family my life. I also learned the importance of respect, hard work, commitment to a given goal and the need to be assertive into to order succeed at the family unit. Without the strict guidelines and procedures set at th e family unit, I would not be in a position to achieve success yet maintain professionalism, humility and respect as I have today.  The family has always acted in my best interest with encouragement whenever I fail, appreciation when I succeed, care when ill, and protection from enemies, making family the best friends in life. Secondly, the family has always been there for me through provision of finances and other resources through lower education up to know showing that they have always wanted the best for me.  Ã‚  

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Lost and Sex and The City Essay Example for Free

Lost and Sex and The City Essay They are referring to the kinds of programmes that are perceived as more expensively produced and, especially more culturally worthwhile, due to their subject matter or content. In the history of ‘quality’ television, it presents a daunting set of challenges. There is no central register of quality programming quality style is defined by depth and warmth of its characters and the use of self reflexivity and the notion that the writers and viewers enjoyed an unusual degree of freedom. The term also associates mostly on the issue of gender representation. In this essay I will discuss television shows, Lost and Sex and The City and how they have both proved great quality television through their success and interesting storylines. (Jancovich, Mark, Lyons, James, Quality Popular Television, 2003) The complex characters, settings and dilemmas are what make good quality television. This brings me to Lost. Lost is an American television drama that follows the survivors of a plane crash that end up on a mysterious island. Each episode typically features what happens on the island as well as a secondary storyline of the characters lives. Most of the characters in Lost are driven to reconcile a patriarchal crisis; Jack must resolve an ‘Oedipal’ conflict with his alcoholic father, John Locke must redeem his masculinity and after being manipulated by his father and rebuild his disabled body and Kate and Sawyer are repetitively haunted by their fathers and dark pasts. The whole island is an experimental site, emphasizing the constant distress of mystery that the island holds and the unknowing. Within this, each episode continues a story about each character, most encountering their violent fathers and how this will shape the collective islands culture. In one particular episode, ‘The 23rd Psalm’, flashbacks consist between Nigeria, the present day and a Nigerian beechcraft airplane that crashed on the island. ‘Mr Eko’ becomes aware that drug addict ‘Charlie’ has possession of a heroin filled Virgin Mary statue that he realizes has a connection to his own past. After discovering the plane on the island, Eko finds his brothers corpse along with it. The episode has an overall theme of redemption of Mr Eko’s religious leanings that have created a major turn in his life. This also challenges our assumptions about coincidence and fate and how the overall series depicts spirituality and realism through the characters pasts. (www. uk. tv. ign. com/artcicles/101/1011812p1. html) The director, ‘JJ Abrams’, creates strong character development and long term plotting which is why the Lost series remained so strong and captivating for audiences. The fact that people were being forced to live together and survive, made it interesting to watch because relationships were created very fast and viewers wanted to see love, fights and dramas as well as action and supernatural happenings on the island. In the first pilot episode of Lost, the first scene shows an eye close-up and character ‘Jack Shephard’ as he awakens in a jungle and notices a yellow Labrador retriever darting through the forest. He then runs through the jungle to a beach where he is faced with the disaster of the plane crash and people fighting for survival. Quality TV dramas are what make audiences want to keep watching and Lost is a great example of this because in the very first scene, viewers are already given that mind blowing experience and the drive to keep watching. The characters are also faced with the unraveling of the islands mystery and the motives of the unknown ‘Others’ who may also inhabit the island. The series tracks two major, interconnected themes; first, the struggles to survive and live together on the island and second, the lives of the fourteen main characters before the crash which is retold through flashbacks. It doesn’t follow the stereotypical television back story and allows viewers to become connected with the characters, their secrets and motivations. Jack is a doctor becomes the leader of the group; helping Charlie kicks his drug addiction and encourages ‘Shannon’ to pursue her relationship with ‘Syid’. Jack is seen at the very beginning of the series and in the last episode in the last scene where it re creates the first scene again only in a different context. The way Lost starts off, during; with all the inconceivable and unthinkable story lines, makes it so mesmerizing for audiences. After six seasons of plot twists, there was a completely thrilling but not entirely logical finale. Audiences across the world became worried about what Lost would end like and how everything could be explained because of its constant complexity. Lost is full of mind puzzling and gripping drama that has become a huge success through its mind blowing performances. (www. tv. com/shows/lost) Another American quality TV show is Sex and The City. Broadcast from 1998 until 2004, the comedy-drama series follows the lives of a group of four women; three in their mid thirties and one in her forties and throughout their different natures and constant changing sex lives, they remain great friends with high confidence. Sex and The City becomes quality television through the continual of its quirky storylines and modern social issues that explore the differences between friendships, relationships and revolves around femininity. The main character ‘Carrie Bradshaw’ is the narrator of each episode which is structured through her train of thoughts. Throughout the entire series, Carrie is entangled with her on and off relationship with ‘Mr Big’ and whose name eventually is revealed to be John Preston. Each character has their own individual unique personalities which female audiences can relate to and connect with. Sex and The City has proven to be one of the most successful and controversial television programmes of the last decade. In transforms the idea of the incisive widow into the life of the single urban female and emphasizes an upper class life. It also presents sophistication and yet, much of the generic and stylistic conventions, are by no means new to this specific show. (LeMay, Matt, Sex and the City and the Discourse of Quality Television: 2) ‘Once upon a time on a small island not too far away, there lived four smart, beautiful women who were all very good friends’. (LeMay, Matt, Sex and the City and the Discourse of Quality Television: 2) This quote already establishes the genre of the show and the kind of characters the audience may expect to see. Much of the criticism both positive and negative, show degrees of realism which suggests how they are entwined in the history of industry and market standards of quality television and determines gender and class. Many other dramas can be traced back to earlier ‘realist’ family sitcoms and still remain relevant to contemporary quality television such as Sex and The City. There is a particular emphasis on self reflectivity and the program’s representations and intersexuality. Through Sex and the City, the relation to feminism and sexual taboos positions itself in the history of television. Intersexuality occurs through the importance and real-life impact of the cultural phenomenon called ‘Sex and the City’. (Akass, Kim, McCabe, Janet, Reading sex and the city. London: I. B. Tauris, 2004) In conclusion, the serve to clearly set out the intended debate and issue of ‘Quality TV’, is the way in which critics and audiences currently define it and supplying a broad overview of the critical contentiousness of quality TV as a collective term. Quality Television is about captivating storylines, unique characters and enabling viewers to want to watch excellent programming. Within this, audiences are able to connect with the show through the interesting structures that are included in them. Bibliography Books: Jancovich, Mark, Lyons, James, Quality Popular Television, 2003) McCabe, Janet, Akass, Kim, Contemporary American Television and Beyond, 2007) Akass, Kim, McCabe, Janet, Reading sex and the city. London: I.B. Tauris, 2004

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Corrosion Of Metals Engineering Essay

The Corrosion Of Metals Engineering Essay Each year, billions of dollars are spent on repairing and preventing the damage of metal parts caused by corrosion, the electrochemical deterioration of metals. The majority of metallic materials in a practical context are generally exposed to corrosion in both atmospheric and aqueous environments. Metallic corrosion has become a global problem which has negatively affected the industrialised society; hence why it has been studied in such comprehension since the beginning of the industrial revolution in the late eighteenth century. Corrosion also affects the average daily life both directly, as it affects the commonly used service possessions and indirectly, as producers and suppliers of goods and services incur corrosion costs, which they pass on to consumers. (ASM International, 2012). The effects of corrosion are distinctively recognized on automobile parts, charcoal grills and metal tools all of which will have a depleted efficiency once corroded. This corrosion may result in con tamination which then poses health risks. For example, the pollution due to escaping product from corroded equipment or due to a corrosion product itself. As a result of these consequences, corrosion prevention has been studied in great depth. Corrosion of various metals may be prevented by applying a coating of paint, lacquer, grease of a less active metal to keep out air and moisture. These coatings will continue to suppress the effects of coating so long as they stay intact. Examples of metals that are heavily protected in the industrial world are iron and aluminium. Vast quantities of the ores or each metal are mined and processed each year using large scale chemical reactions to produce metals of the purity required for their end use. For this report, the chemistry involved in the corrosion of both iron and aluminium will be researched as well as the methods employed to prevent their corrosion. Justification as to why corrosion happens will be explained with reference to physic al and chemical properties, electrochemistry, equilibrium, rates of reaction, enthalpy and solubility at every point where it is appropriate. Before explaining why corrosion happens, it is important to define corrosion in terms of electrochemical processes. An electrochemical reaction is defined as a chemical reaction involving the transfer of electrons through redox. Corrosion is a broad and complex subject that can be examined in three different categories; electrochemical corrosion, galvanic corrosion and electrolytic corrosion. In all forms of corrosion, three components must be present an anode, a cathode, a metallic path for electrons to flow through, and an electrolyte for the ions to flow through. Both the anode and the cathode must be in contact with the electrolyte to allow the ions to flow. As well as this, oxygen and hydrogen must also be available, either directly or as a result of chemical action and the resultant dissociation of water into its two constituents. In this report, electrochemical will be investigated in terms of its spontaneous nature and self-sustainability. Firstly, spontaneity is dependent on the sign of free energy. Gibbs free energy can be defined by the following equation:; where is the enthalpy, is entropy and is the temperature in kelvins. When is negative, the reaction will occur spontaneously (Zhang, H. 2012). For this to occur the entropy must increase and the enthalpy must decrease. This can be proven as a system of spontaneity aims towards disorder which directly coincides with entropy. Also, the change in enthalpy must be negative as thermal energy will be released from the energy stored within chemical bonds in a spontaneous system. Furthermore, in this electrochemical procedure, the negative electrode is the cathode and the positive electrode is the anode. Note that metals are used as they are good conductors of electric current due to the specific ionic bonding which then allows the electrons to be delocalized and move relatively freely. When these two electrodes are connected by a wire, free electrons flow through the wire from the anode to the cathode forming an electric current. Both the anode and cathode are submerged in separate substances respective to the elements of both electrodes from which the positive ions are attracted to the anode and the negative electrons are attracted to the cathode. The anode atoms are being oxidised as they are losing electrons and forming positive ions which then dissolves into solution. This results in a loss of overall quantity of zinc metal. In practical terms, this could be considered the pitting of the corrosion process which can be defined as a form of extremely local ized corrosion that leads to the creation of small holes in the metal (ASM International, 1987). Electrons formed at the anode travel to the cathode where they combine with the positive ions in solution to turn into the respective metal. Therefore the cathodic ions in solution are being reduced as they are gaining electrons. This production of extra cathode metal can be compared with rust which is a reddish- or yellowish-brown flaky coating of iron oxide that is formed on a metal by redox reactions. With just this in mind, the electric current would flow for only a limited time as the anode would have a build-up of positive ions being formed. While at the cathode increased amounts of electrons are being pumped into it. The result is an excessive positive charge that builds up at the anode that attracts electrons (negative) and prevents them moving away. While at the cathode the negative build up repels the electrons. As a consequence of this build-up of charge, no electron flow occurs and the cell eventually fails (Dynamic Science, 2012). Note that a solution cannot have a full charge and only a partial charge. To negate this issue, a salt bridge is used which contains ions that complete the circuit by moving freely from the bridge to the half cells. The substance that is placed into the salt bridge is usually an inert electrolyte whose ions are neither involved in any electrochemical change nor do they react chemically with the electrolytes in the two half-cells (IIT, 2012). As well as completing the circuit, it ensures that the charge between the two half cells remains electrically neutral. It does this by passing negative ions into the anodic half-cell where there shall be an accumulation of extra positive ions due to oxidation resulting in a slightly positive charge. Similarly, an accumulation of negative ions will exist in the cathodic half-cell due to the deposition of positive ions by reduction. Electrical neutralization is once again achieved by the salt bridge providing positive ions to the cathodic substance. Thus, the salt bridge maintains electrical neutrality. IRON CORROSION Only a few metals, such as copper, gold and platinum occur naturally in their elemental forms. Most metals occur in nature as oxides in ores, combined with some unusable metal like clay or silica. Ores must be processed to get the pure metals out of them, and there are nearly as many different processes for this purpose as there are metals. The process, as well as the elements present, greatly influences the properties of the metal. An important characteristic of metals is the extremely significant effect that very small amounts of other elements can have upon their properties. The huge difference in properties resulting from a small amount of carbon allowed with iron to make steel is an example of this. Taking into consideration the amount of iron that is used globally, the effect of corrosion on iron alone requires millions of dollars each year. The problem with iron as well as many other metals is that the oxide formed by oxidation does not firmly adhere to the surface of the meta l and flakes off easily causing pitting (KKC, 2012). Extensive pitting eventually causes structural weakness and disintegration of the metal. The iron oxide acts as a sacrificial anode which is a stronger reducing agent than iron that is oxides instead of the protected metal. Therefore it can be said that it acts as the anode. Since the oxide does not firmly adhere, it does little to protect the iron metal. As mentioned, iron in contact with moisture and air (oxygen) is corroded by a redox reaction. The anode reaction can be expressed as an oxidation of iron atoms: Both water and oxygen are required for the next sequence of reactions. The iron ions are further oxidized to form ferric ions (iron ) ions. This can be written as: These electrons are then conducted through the metal and are used to reduce atmospheric oxygen to hydroxide at another region of the iron. Therefore the cathodic reaction is: Considering that iron atoms dissolve at the anodic sides to form pits and ions which diffuse toward the cathodic sites; ions are formed at cathodic sites diffuse toward the anodic sites. Iron (II) hydroxide forms in a random location between the cathode and the anode which is then oxidised by atmospheric oxygen to iron (III) hydroxide. This can be expressed by: From here, the iron (III) hydroxide is then gradually converted to rust otherwise known as hydrated iron (III) oxide: ; Where generally equals 3. The formation of rust does not have a designated position as it can occur at random away from the actual pitting or corrosion of iron. A possible explanation of this is that the electrons produced in the initial oxidation of iron be electrically conducted through the metal and the iron ions can diffuse through the water layer to another position on the metal surface which is available to the atmospheric oxygen (KKC, 2012). Also, points of stress, such as where the piece of metal has been shaped, are more active than unstressed regions and thus act as anodic sites. The electric current between the anodic and cathodic sites is completed by ion migration; thus, the presence of electrolytes increases the rate of corrosion by hastening this mitigation. Therefore it is evident that the corrosion of iron can be directly related to a voltaic cell and can both be defined as electrochemical cells due to their spontaneous nature. ALUMINIUM CORROSION Similar to Iron, aluminium is also susceptible to electrochemical corrosion when exposed to moister. Aluminium, both in its pure state and allow, is truly a remarkable metal as it is light, tough, strong and readily worked by all common processes. Unlike iron however, It has excellent resistant to corrosion in the marine environment, and it requires little maintenance. The fundamental reactions of the corrosion of aluminium in aqueous medium have been the subject of many studies. In simplified terms, the oxidation of aluminium in water proceeds according to the equation (ELSIVIER, 2012): This specific reaction is balanced by a simultaneous reduction reaction, similar to iron, in ions available in the solution which then consumes the oxidised electrons. In an aqueous solution such as fresh water, seawater or moisture, thermodynamic considerations can be used to represent only two possible reduction reactions that can occur. The other occurring reaction is the reduction of oxygen dissolved in the moisture: Quite similar to the corrosion of iron, the aluminium atoms dissolve at the anodic sites to once again form pits and which diffuse toward the cathodic sites while ions are formed at the cathodic sites and diffuse toward the anodic sites. Therefore: ; Where generally equals 3. Although aluminium is still susceptible to corrosion, the metal itself is very resistive. Aluminium alloys generally have excellent resistance to atmospheric corrosion; require no protective coatings or maintenance beyond cleaning, which aids greatly in preventing unsightly pitting where dirt or salt accumulate. When aluminium is exposed to oxygen, it forms an oxide surface film that protects it from corrosive attack. The oxide acts as a sacrificial anode which is a stronger reducing agent than aluminium. It is then oxidised instead of the protected aluminium metal, serving as the anode. For the most part, damage due to atmospheric corrosion is pretty much limited to fairly slightly pitting of the surface with no significant loss of material or strength. Duration of exposure is an important consideration in aluminium allows, the rate of corrosion decreases with time to a low steady rate regardless of the type of allow or the specific environment. Thus corrosion of both aluminium and iron can both be defined as electrochemical processes which are similar in nature but have different protection potentials. PROTECTION METHODS Corrosion avoidance begins in the design process. Although corrosion concerns may ultimately reduce structural integrity, they should be a consideration to decrease money loss. Good maintenance practices are another way of avoiding corrosion, such as rinsing away salt water or avoid standing water. Corrosion protection systems, for the most part, are designed to control corrosion, not necessarily eliminate it. The primary goal is to reduce the rate of corrosion by having the smallest possible current. Current is defined as the flow of charge, or electrons, per time through a conductor hence. Since corrosion is the movement of electrons through redox, it can be quantified using this equation which represents the corrosion reaction per time or the corrosion rate. To do this, two efficient protection methods are available: cathodic protection systems and coatings. All cathodic protection schemes operate on the basis of the voltaic corrosion process, so like voltaic corrosion; cathodic protection systems require an anode, a cathode, an electrical connection and an electrolyte. Cathodic protection will not reduce the corrosion rate if any of these four things are missing. The basis of this protection method depends on the difference in corrosion potentials between the two metals immersed in the same electrolyte. This causes electrons to flow from the metal with the higher activity and negative potential (anode) to the metal with less activity and negative potential (cathode). This flow of electrons continues until the two metals are at the same potential, that is, there is equilibrium between the voltages. Electrode potential is a measure of the tendency for a material to be reduced e.g. accepts electrons. Also, activity is a measure of how easily a metal will give up electrons. Thus, the more active a metal is, the more negative the electrode p otential. This principle, directly relates to the two types of cathodic protection systems: sacrificial anode systems called passive protection and impressed current systems also known as active protection. Sacrificial anode systems are simple, require little but regular maintenance, and have low installation costs. We intentionally add a metal to the circuit to supply the electrons to the cathode. When metals are in a voltaic couple, the difference in there negative potentials causes the anodic metal to corrode and release metallic ions into the electrolyte. The more negativity in the corrosion potential means it will be a stronger reducing agent and will more readily give away electrons thus corroding first. Since the more negative metal in the closed circuit corrodes first, we can control corrosion by simply adding to the circuit a metal that possess two necessary characteristics: a corrosion potential more negative than the metal that is being protected, it is expendable which is not essential to the operation of any particular system. Therefore when a metal possessing these characteristics is made the anode, corrosion is controlled. The impressed-current type of cathodic protection system depends on an external source of direct current. Alternating current cannot be used since the protected metal would likewise be alternating, between anodic and cathodic. Basically, the anode is immersed in the electrolyte is connected to one side of a DC power supply and the metal to be protected is connected to the other side. The voltaic current flow is detected and measure against a reference electrode. If unfavourable, current flow is adjusted automatically by the power supply control system to compensate. Due to the high currents involved in many seawater systems, it is not uncommon to use impressed current systems in marine situations. Impressed current systems use anodes (ICCP anode) of a type that are not easily dissolved into metallic ions, but rather sustain an alternative reaction, oxidization of the dissolved chloride ions (Deepwater, 2012). Advantages of this cathodic protection are that they can develop so much higher voltages than sacrificial anode systems, so they can either push current through lower conductivity electrolytes or through longer distances. Disadvantages include the possibility of over protecting certain metals. This can cause hydrogen embrittlement in high strength steels. In aluminium specifically, accelerated corrosion can occur of the very structure that is being protected. Therefore it is evident that this form of cathodic protection, although more complex, poses some reliable advantages as well as some detrimental disadvantages.

Friday, October 25, 2019

What Factors Control Carbon Mineralization and Flux in Bog Soils and Ho

I. Introduction: What is a Bog? The word "bog," from the old Gaelic "bogach," is commonly used to refer to any stretch of waterlogged, swampy ground. The words, fen, moor, muskeg, peatland, and mire are also used to describe these areas, which can lead to some confusion over terminology. Specifically, a bog is "a peat accumulating wetland that has no significant inflows or outflows and supports acidophilic mosses, particularly sphagnum" (Gosselink and Mitsch 1993). The vast majority of bogs are located in the moist, cool boreal regions of North America and Eurasia. Bogs are also called "peatlands" because of the peat they accumulate, but "peatland" is a more general term that includes "minerotrophic" and "transition" peatlands. These wetlands also accumulate peat, but they differ topographically and hydrologically from bogs. True bogs (ombrotrophic peatlands) are characterized by peat layers higher than their surroundings; they are often called "raised bogs." They also receive nutrients and minerals exclusively by precipitation, i.e. they are hydrologically isolated (Gosselink and Mitsch 1993 p.374). They form in a variety of ways, but once ombrotrophic (rain-nourished) peatlands develop they are stable under "fairly wide environmental fluctuation" (Gosselink and Mitsch 1993 p.372). This discussion will be limited to the true bogs, and they will be referred to as bogs or peatlands. II. Peat Soils and Carbon Mineralization Peat is the name for the soil that forms in bogs and other peatlands. It is an organic soil (Histosol), composed almost entirely of partially decayed plant matter. The high percentage of organic fibers in peat makes it a fibrist, which is a Histosol containing less than one third decayed organic matter... ... the peat." Journal of Ecology 81 (1993), 615-625. Siegel, D. I. et al. "Climate driven flushing of pore water in peatlands" Nature 374 (6 April 1995), 531-533. Singer, Michael J. and Donald N. Munns. Soils: An Introduction. 3rd ed. New Jersey, Prentice-Hall 1991. Soil Taxonomy USDA Soil Conservation Service Agricultural Handbook No. 436. 1975. T.R. Knowles and R. Moore. "The influence of water table levels on methane and carbon dioxide levels from peatland soils." Canadian Journal of Soil Science 69; 1 (1989), 33-38. Woodwell, George M. "Biotic feedbacks from the warming of the earth." Biotic Feedbacks in the Global Climatic System. New York, Oxford University Press 1995, p3-19. Yavitt, Joseph B. et al. "Control of carbon mineralization to CH4 and CO2 in anaerobic, Sphagnum-derived peat from Big Run Bog." Biogeochemistry 4; 2 (1987), 141-157.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Wellness programs try to Be welcoming

AH, July: an ideal time of year for morning runs, long swims, family bike rides and picnic tables laden with seasonal produce. In short, it’s healthy time.  Unfortunately, it’s also health care time — when managers must contend with rising health insurance premiums as they plan next year’s budget.  What is a cost-conscious manager to do? The answer of the moment is to provide a wellness program, promoting healthy behavior year-round.According to a survey by the Hay Group, a consulting firm, more than half of all large companies offer some combination of services like nutrition education, weight management assistance, health risk assessments, and help with quitting smoking; more than a quarter offer things like fitness coaching and discounts on health club memberships.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"I was basically out of the business for the better part of the decade,† said Michael Carter, a vice president at Hay responsible for employee health management consulting. â€Å"Now everybody’s my new best friend.†On the surface, it is hard to see anything wrong with urging employees to tone up and trim down. A fitter work force is a happier work force, and less costly, too.  But wellness programs can be minefields. Some employees may resent the programs, viewing them as examples of father-knows-best intrusiveness. At least one program has even formed the background for a lawsuit.The biggest challenge of wellness programs is to reach the employees who would get the most out of them. Gym rats will always take advantage of benefits like discounted health club memberships — but they would probably work out anyway, and discounts may not be enough for those who are seriously overweight or out of shape.  Personalized incentives like fitness coaching and nutrition counseling are often a better way to reach employees in the middle group who just need a little encouragement. It is also crucial to make accommodations for disabled emplo yees.And the tone taken is crucial: who wants the boss telling you to eat your spinach? A program that feels coercive will probably never be as popular as one with positive incentives, like cheaper health insurance.  Employees respond best to wellness programs that are presented as a form of organizational change, rather than as a top-down imposition of new requirements, according to a study of 243 employees by Ellen Ernst Kossek, a professor of human resource management and organizational behavior at Michigan State University, and two colleagues.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"It shouldn’t be, ‘Here’s this program,’ † she said. â€Å"It should be linked to ‘How do we make a workplace that’s healthy for everyone.’ †Ã‚  Scotts Miracle-Gro has one of the most extensive wellness programs on offer. Services include personalized fitness coaching and a $5 million wellness center at its headquarters in Marysville, Ohio, with a gym and medical facili ties. The company also has a policy against hiring workers who smoke, where state law permits.Participation in Scotts’ wellness programs is high — but the company has also seen an unexpected side effect from its efforts.  Last year, Scott Rodrigues filed suit against the company in Massachusetts, saying that Scotts fired him after a drug test found nicotine in his system and that the company’s antismoking policy violated his civil rights.  Harvey Schwartz, Mr. Rodrigues’s lawyer, said the case was also an example of benefits discrimination, where a company dismisses an employee to avoid high benefits costs.  In a motion to dismiss the case, which is pending, Scotts said that Mr. Rodrigues had not actually been hired but had been offered a job on the condition that he pass a drug screen, including a test for nicotine.â€Å"When you look at controlling costs,† said Su Lok, a Scotts spokeswoman, smoking â€Å"is something that employers are rea lly taking a stand on.† The company had no comment on the specific case because it is ongoing.  Union Pacific Railroad has had a smoother ride with its longstanding wellness program. The proportion of health insurance claims related to lifestyle has dropped by 11 percentage points over 11 years, said Marcy Zauha, the company’s director for health and safety.Union Pacific, based in Omaha, offers some companywide wellness benefits, including health risk assessments and stop-smoking plans. But much of the program, including regional walking contests and group weight-loss efforts, is administered locally. Managers’ health promotion initiatives are included in their annual reviews.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"We’ve tried to build health into our existing culture,† Ms. Zauha said.Fiserv, a financial services technology company based in Brookfield Wis., created a wellness program in 2005 to better recruit and retain employees.  Fiserv employees who fill out a health risk assessment receive a sizable discount on their monthly health insurance premium. There are also companywide fitness challenges: in a recent eight-week walking contest, participants were issued pedometers, and anyone who walked 7,000 steps a day received a prize.Teams have to been known to question whether their rivals really log the number of steps claimed. But that was fine with Linda Schuessler, manager of wellness promotion.  Ã¢â‚¬Å"As long as they’re engaged,† Ms. Schuessler said, â€Å"we don’t really mind those concerns.†(this is the copyofth article from NY Times, AssignmentThe concept at hand is about how managers and company heads would make the most out of their companies by introducing a healthy lifestyle to their employees. It is evident that today, health care costs are so high that rising health insurance premiums would surely be in the way of budgeting for the company (Holland). Obviously, these company heads and managers should not jeopardize the health of their employees, that they should provide the necessary things for their wellness. But surely, this would cost them that it wouldn’t be that easy to pull out strings and fix the budget. That is why these managers should resort to a way that would be more cost effective and keep them from harms way of these health care costs.The article discusses how managers and company heads employ human resource management in order to do away with the costly expenses of health care and health insurances that they provide to the employees. But this doesn’t mean that they neglect the health of these working people. It is true that these people are very important to the company, that these companies need them in order to be productive, which is why it is important that their every need will be given to them or will be addressed.What these company leaders and managers do is that they make sure that these employees are healthy so that they can avert the spending that they’ll have to give when any of these gets sick or has health problems. In order not to shoulder the burden of health care and health insurance premiums, they offered to keep them fit in their own ways.In order to do so, these companies offer basically every health guidance and services that they can offer to the employees. These includes educating them regarding nutrition and proper diet, weight management assistance, health risk assessments and checkups, fitness coaching and giving out memberships for fitness groups and health clubs. Through this, the company themselves are able to ensure that their employees are fit and are far from harms way, thus saving them the costs of health care for these people. Thus, the companies’ budgets will not be greatly affected.If you would relate this approach in human resource management, you could see that this is more on the incentive aspect, wherein you provide your employees something that would keep them going to work. For those who are concerned with their health and well-being, they would surely grab the opportunity of free health club memberships and nutrition education. This is positive for the company, since the employees themselves are the ones who initiate in keeping themselves healthy. Remember, the main concern of the company in this issue is how they can do away with the extra costs of health care and health insurance premiums for their employees.Regarding the effectiveness of this approach, the article states that there are already several large-scale companies who adopted this system. They have their own health clubs and offer free membership to their employees. They say that these greatly helps them in cutting costs, thus the allotted budget for healthcare would be saved. There are still some who are not that much into health stuffs, people who think that nutrition education is l ike intruding with their lives. These people are those who would most likely have health risks and should be given enough consideration in order to engage them in these health programs.Human resource management surely entails various levels of dealing with the people you are handling. This includes how you handle them, and the ways on how you are able to manage them, making them do what they’re suppose to do. This is where healthcare comes in, wherein their safety and well being is not only their concern, but should also be the company’s priority. When their wellness goes down, the company goes down as well, in terms of both manpower and monetary aspects.Reference:Holland, K. (2007). Wellness Programs Try to Be Welcoming, Too. The New York Times. Published July 22, 2007. Retrieved August 1, 2007, from Wellness Programs Try to Be Welcoming AH, July: an ideal time of year for morning runs, long swims, family bike rides and picnic tables laden with seasonal produce. In short, it’s healthy time.Unfortunately, it’s also health care time — when managers must contend with rising health insurance premiums as they plan next year’s budget.What is a cost-conscious manager to do? The answer of the moment is to provide a wellness program, promoting healthy behavior year-round.According to a survey by the Hay Group, a consulting firm, more than half of all large companies offer some combination of services like nutrition education, weight management assistance, health risk assessments, and help with quitting smoking; more than a quarter offer things like fitness coaching and discounts on health club memberships.â€Å"I was basically out of the business for the better part of the decade,† said Michael Carter, a vice president at Hay responsible for employee health management consulting. â€Å"Now everybody’s my new best friend.†On the surface, it is hard to see anything wrong with urging employees to tone up and trim down. A fitter work force is a happier work force, and less costly, too.But wellness programs can be minefields. Some employees may resent the programs, viewing them as examples of father-knows-best intrusiveness. At least one program has even formed the background for a lawsuit.The biggest challenge of wellness programs is to reach the employees who would get the most out of them. Gym rats will always take advantage of benefits like discounted health club memberships — but they would probably work out anyway, and discounts may not be enough for those who are seriously overweight or out of shape.Personalized incentives like fitness coaching and nutrition counseling are often a better way to reach employees in the middle group who just need a little encouragement. It is also crucial to make accommodations for disabled employees.And the tone ta ken is crucial: who wants the boss telling you to eat your spinach? A program that feels coercive will probably never be as popular as one with positive incentives, like cheaper health insurance.Employees respond best to wellness programs that are presented as a form of organizational change, rather than as a top-down imposition of new requirements, according to a study of 243 employees by Ellen Ernst Kossek, a professor of human resource management and organizational behavior at Michigan State University, and two colleagues.â€Å"It shouldn’t be, ‘Here’s this program,’ † she said. â€Å"It should be linked to ‘How do we make a workplace that’s healthy for everyone.’ †Scotts Miracle-Gro has one of the most extensive wellness programs on offer. Services include personalized fitness coaching and a $5 million wellness center at its headquarters in Marysville, Ohio, with a gym and medical facilities. The company also has a pol icy against hiring workers who smoke, where state law permits.Participation in Scotts’ wellness programs is high — but the company has also seen an unexpected side effect from its efforts.Last year, Scott Rodrigues filed suit against the company in Massachusetts, saying that Scotts fired him after a drug test found nicotine in his system and that the company’s antismoking policy violated his civil rights.Harvey Schwartz, Mr. Rodrigues’s lawyer, said the case was also an example of benefits discrimination, where a company dismisses an employee to avoid high benefits costs.In a motion to dismiss the case, which is pending, Scotts said that Mr. Rodrigues had not actually been hired but had been offered a job on the condition that he pass a drug screen, including a test for nicotine.â€Å"When you look at controlling costs,† said Su Lok, a Scotts spokeswoman, smoking â€Å"is something that employers are really taking a stand on.† The company ha d no comment on the specific case because it is ongoing.Union Pacific Railroad has had a smoother ride with its longstanding wellness program. The proportion of health insurance claims related to lifestyle has dropped by 11 percentage points over 11 years, said Marcy Zauha, the company’s director for health and safety.Union Pacific, based in Omaha, offers some companywide wellness benefits, including health risk assessments and stop-smoking plans. But much of the program, including regional walking contests and group weight-loss efforts, is administered locally. Managers’ health promotion initiatives are included in their annual reviews.â€Å"We’ve tried to build health into our existing culture,† Ms. Zauha said.Fiserv, a financial services technology company based in Brookfield Wis., created a wellness program in 2005 to better recruit and retain employees.Fiserv employees who fill out a health risk assessment receive a sizable discount on their monthly health insurance premium. There are also companywide fitness challenges: in a recent eight-week walking contest, participants were issued pedometers, and anyone who walked 7,000 steps a day received a prize.Teams have to been known to question whether their rivals really log the number of steps claimed. But that was fine with Linda Schuessler, manager of wellness promotion.â€Å"As long as they’re engaged,† Ms. Schuessler said, â€Å"we don’t really mind those concerns.†(this is the copy of the article from NY Times, AssignmentThe concept at hand is about how managers and company heads would make the most out of their companies by introducing a healthy lifestyle to their employees. It is evident that today, health care costs are so high that rising health insurance premiums would surely be in the way of budgeting for the company (Holland). O bviously, these company heads and managers should not jeopardize the health of their employees, that they should provide the necessary things for their wellness. But surely, this would cost them that it wouldn’t be that easy to pull out strings and fix the budget. That is why these managers should resort to a way that would be more cost effective and keep them from harms way of these health care costs.The article discusses how managers and company heads employ human resource management in order to do away with the costly expenses of health care and health insurances that they provide to the employees. But this doesn’t mean that they neglect the health of these working people. It is true that these people are very important to the company, that these companies need them in order to be productive, which is why it is important that their every need will be given to them or will be addressed. What these company leaders and managers do is that they make sure that these empl oyees are healthy so that they can avert the spending that they’ll have to give when any of these gets sick or has health problems. In order not to shoulder the burden of health care and health insurance premiums, they offered to keep them fit in their own ways.In order to do so, these companies offer basically every health guidance and services that they can offer to the employees. These includes educating them regarding nutrition and proper diet, weight management assistance, health risk assessments and checkups, fitness coaching and giving out memberships for fitness groups and health clubs. Through this, the company themselves are able to ensure that their employees are fit and are far from harms way, thus saving them the costs of health care for these people. Thus, the companies’ budgets will not be greatly affected.If you would relate this approach in human resource management, you could see that this is more on the incentive aspect, wherein you provide your empl oyees something that would keep them going to work. For those who are concerned with their health and well-being, they would surely grab the opportunity of free health club memberships and nutrition education. This is positive for the company, since the employees themselves are the ones who initiate in keeping themselves healthy. Remember, the main concern of the company in this issue is how they can do away with the extra costs of health care and health insurance premiums for their employees.  Regarding the effectiveness of this approach, the article states that there are already several large-scale companies who adopted this system. They have their own health clubs and offer free membership to their employees. They say that these greatly helps them in cutting costs, thus the allotted budget for healthcare would be saved. There are still some who are not that much into health stuffs, people who think that nutrition education is like intruding with their lives. These people are th ose who would most likely have health risks and should be given enough consideration in order to engage them in these health programs.Human resource management surely entails various levels of dealing with the people you are handling. This includes how you handle them, and the ways on how you are able to manage them, making them do what they’re suppose to do. This is where healthcare comes in, wherein their safety and well being is not only their concern, but should also be the company’s priority. When their wellness goes down, the company goes down as well, in terms of both manpower and monetary aspects.Reference:Holland, K. (2007). Wellness Programs Try to Be Welcoming, Too. The New York Times. Published July 22, 2007. Retrieved August 1, 2007, from

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Case Study †Mr Rakesh Sharma Essay Essays

Case Study – Mr Rakesh Sharma Essay Essays Case Study – Mr Rakesh Sharma Essay Essay Case Study – Mr Rakesh Sharma Essay Essay The instance survey given is about a fresh alumnus. Mr. Rakesh Sharma joined Modern Industries Ltd. ( MIL ) in Bangalore as a trainee against a jutting vacancy in the Paints Application Department for annual preparation. Mr. Sharma has been performed really good. The Department Manager and the Training Manager were satisfied with his public presentation in the first two quarters. However. when stepping in to the 3rd one-fourth. Mr. Sharma raised an issue about restricting his preparation period. The petition has non be entertained and Mr. Sharma’s behavior started to alter and became unacceptable. Reding session and warning missive have been issued to him and the state of affairs did non turn good. One of the primary aims of the Training Department is to enroll who have good potency and develop them to be effectual individuals in different section. The Training Manager clearly known that Mr. Sharma is a possible trainee but he failed to develop him in different section and caused Mr. Sharma merely have one pick of section to remain which is the Paint Application Department. The Training Manager have to fight on his rational determination whether to end or non to end Mr. Sharma. There are five issues discussed in this study. These five issues are the chief causes to the job that the Training Manage has to make up ones mind whether he should end Mr. Sharma or non. The five issues are communicating. employees behavior. compensation and benefit. company policy. preparation and development. Furthermore. we besides discussed five options to the Training Manager other than expiration of Mr. Sharma. These five options are apply employee engagement plan. preparation and coaching system. giving short period to demo betterment. reevaluate public presentation of Mr. Sharma and communicate and carry the parties involved. HRM issues that cause to the job Issue 1: Communicationss Effective communicating is indispensable to concern success. â€Å"You can bind back about every employee issue attending. morale. public presentation. and productiveness to communicating. † says Fred Holloway. an HR advisor in Medford. Oregon. Businesss without effectual staff communicating suffer from lost net incomes. hapless productiveness and hapless employee morale. In order to work out many concern jobs. employees need to be able to join forces and collaborate efficaciously. Good communicating can promote employees to work harder. work out jobs together and work towards a common end. It is the occupation of every director to guarantee employees and superior are pass oning efficaciously with each other. In the instances of MIL. we found that there is some communicating jobs between store director and Mr. Sharma ; Training Manager and Mr. Sharma every bit good. More interaction / communicating between trainees has to be established particularly for public presentation assessment intent. Reviewing trainee public presentation one time at the terminal of every one-fourth is excessively long for preparation director to reexamine their public presentation accurately. Trainees’ public presentation might non be consistent from clip to clip and advise might necessitate to be given to them. Besides. preparation director might miss of clearer understanding about their overall public presentation and jobs they faced. Hence. this deficiency of communicating between preparation director and trainees including Mr. Sharma caused director barely to detect their existent public presentations. job faced and what they truly want or do they merit to bask more benefit? These are all the gray countries that left out by public presentations reappraisal. Besides. Department Manager should be communicate and discuss with Mr. Sharma before file a ailment on him to Training Manager. Department Manager obligated to understand employee job and help it to get by with job faced. However. section director failed to make so. This shows there is missing of communicating between Mr. Sharma and Department Manager. Listening and reacting is how we understand the feelings and ideas of the other individual. There is no accomplishment more of import for effectual communicating than taking into consideration the other individual? s position. Try standing in person else? s places ; it will well better your communicating with that individual. In this instance. Training director doesn’t seem to pass on good with Mr. Sharma when Mr. Sharma voice out his petition. The manager’s answer upon Mr. Sharma is more considered as a perfunctory to Mr. Sharma. This caused Mr. Sharma to experience that the petition and jobs were non being taken earnestly by direction. As a consequence. it de-motivated Mr. Sharma to maintain on with preparation. Manager should standing in employee’s places to understand better their exact state of affairs and their demands. It surely assists a batch to better communicating between director and employees. Therefore. we suggest that director should truly look into the affair if any of the subsidiary particularly trainee voicing out sentiment and petitions. Manager should look into and measure such affair deeply upon Mr. Sharma’s request to make up ones mind whether his public presentation is good plenty to restrict his preparation period to 7 months and absorb him as applied scientist. Besides. to look into trainee’s benefits whether it making satisfactory degree for trainees or whether the affair is merely happened on Mr. Sharma since there is an issue has been voice out by him. Issue 2: Employee’s behavior Employee’s behaviour is mentioning to the manner the employee responses toward his/her occupation. By and large. employee’s behaviour can be classified into either positive or negative. A positive behaviour indicates a strong employment battle towards company whereas an employee with negative behaviour shows low employment battle. In this instance. one of the issues found is the personal behaviour of Mr. Sharma. When Mr. Sharma is being informed that his petition to go a regular employee was disapproved. his attitude started to alter otherwise. He so started to go de-motivated and started rejecting to execute in some undertaking which assigned to him. stating that the assigned work should be done by ‘regular workers’ alternatively of a trainee. Such action did non have any attending in the initial period but it so go fickle and unacceptable at last. We think that Mr. Sharma portrait an attitude of egoism. Mr. Sharma merely focuses on self- involvement without being sing for others. In this instance. Mr. Sharma tried to show to the company by practising de-motivate attitude in work. Employees in company supposed to work together as a whole and squad work surely the most of import standards. Unfortunately. Mr. Sharma failed to pattern it in this instance. Another sub-issue of the instance is employment battle. Mr. Sharma showed a low employment battle to the company by going less aggressive and progressive towards the occupation every bit good as declining to work on some undertaking assigned to him. An employee with low battle to company finally lowers down the productiveness and efficiency. We think that Mr. Sharma should hold a long term position instead merely concentrating on short term benefits. As a portion of the company. he should demo an active. progressive and aggressive attitude towards his work to convert preparation director that he deserved to restrict his preparation period and acquire promoted to regular employee. Issue 3: Compensation and Benefits Compensation and benefits is an effectual tool and method to actuate and honor a employee based on their public presentation. However. it could be a sensitive issue between employer and employee while discoursing the content of the compensation and benefits. In this instance survey. Mr. Rakesh Sharma requested that his preparation period be curtailed to 7 months merely and to absorb him as an Engineer. He argued that he had been executing like a regular employee in the section for the last one one-fourth. He indicated that he would derive senior status every bit good as some pecuniary benefits as the trainees were eligible for a stipend merely. The regular employees were eligible for many allowances like conveyance. costliness. house rent. instruction. etc. which was a significant sum every bit compared to the stipend paid to a trainee. Harmonizing to Mr. Sharma’s request. one of the chief factors that he would wish to be absorbed as a regular applied scientist is pecuniary benefits. Hence. the differences between his on-the-job preparation benefits and regular employee benefits have caused him to come out with the petition. This is besides one of the issues that lead to the eventual job of expiration. Employee compensation is the employee inducements and wagess that can do all the difference when it comes to retaining good workers. By and large. compensation and benefits for a regular employee will split into four classs which are: 1. Guaranteed wage: Monetary wages paid by an employer to an employee based on employee/employer dealingss. By and large. it besides known as basic wage. Besides. there is other wage elements which are paid based entirely on employee or employer dealingss. such as senior status allowance. 2. Variable wage: Monetary wages paid by an employer to an employee that is contingent on discretion. public presentation or consequences achieved. For illustration. fillips. committees. costliness. and so on. 3. Benefits: Programs an employer uses to supplement employees’ compensation. such as paid clip off. medical insurance. company auto. and more. 4. Equity-based compensation: A program utilizing the employer’s portion as compensation. The most common illustrations are stock options. These are the compensations and benefits that will have if you are a regular employees of a company. However. Mr. Sharma is non a regular employee yet as his on-the-job preparation is still ongoing and merely 5 months left. Hence. he still considered as a trainee in the company. Although a trainee is non an official employee of a company. he or she might non hold salary. But. trainee may have compensation and benefits from company. Trainee will have a fixed compensation of monthly payment from company. Depends on several company. some company will afford trainee periphery benefits. For illustration. they will publish stipend for trainee. free repast is available for trainee. Besides. some company might publish wellness and medical subsidy for trainee excessively. Yet. a trainee compensation and benefits are still non persuasive when comparison with a regular employee. Lapp with the instance. Mr. Sharma requested to be promoted to a regular applied scientist is non because of his good public presentation on the occupation. it is besides because of the compensation and benefits of a regular employee are more sufficient and attractive.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Quizz on Chapter 1 International Management 10 E Essays

Quizz on Chapter 1 International Management 10 E Essays Quizz on Chapter 1 International Management 10 E Essay Quizz on Chapter 1 International Management 10 E Essay CHAPTER 1 QUIZ 1. The term globalism or globalization generally refers to _____. a. increasing loyalty to your own country b. global competition characterized by networks that bind countries, institutions, and people. c. competition in an increasingly borderless world d. b and c only 2. The hostility to the takeover of Europe’s largest steel company, Acelor, by India’s Mittal Steel illustrates a. the decrease in nationalism and increase in globalism. b. the backlash against globalism. c. the decline in competitiveness in the steel industry. d. ultural differences about the benefits of takeovers. 3. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) a. are generally not competing internationally. b. are major investors in world markets. c. face good opportunities currently as a result of trade shows, export initiatives, and the Internet. d. are unaffected by globalism 4. The three major world currencies today are _____. a. euro, yen, U. S. b. euro, yen, peso c. euro, U. S. dollar , German mark d. euro, U. S. dollar, peso 5. The European Union currently consists of how many nations? a. Ten b. Twenty-seven c. Forty d. Fifty 6. Which of the following countries is not one of the Four Tigers? a. South Korea b. Hong Kong c. Taiwan d. Thailand 7. China has enjoyed recent success as an export powerhouse built upon its _____. a. strengths of low costs and flow of capital b. geographic location in the world c. high educational standards d. close ties with Japan 8. Which of the following statements is not correct about China? a. China joined the WTO in 2002 b. One of China’s key strengths is its excellent infrastructure c. China is stuck halfway between a command economy and a market economy d. China continues to enjoy significant inflows of money from ethnic Chinese outside of China 9. Which of the following statements is correct about India? a. India’s biggest contributor to growth is its excellent infrastructure. b. India is the world’s leader for outsourced back-office services, and increasingly for high tech services c. India is the fastest-growing free-market democracy d. b and c only are correct 10. India’s economic boom is a result of a. reducing protectionism and red tape b. lifting restrictions on foreign investment c. reforming its financial sectors d. ll of the above 11. Which of the following is not correct? a. Foreign investors have become wary of Russia because of recent government action against the Yukos oil group. b. Africa has been ignored by most of the world’s investors c. Because of the political and economic risks in LDCs, they offer no potential international business opportunities d. South Africa has the biggest economy i n Africa. 12. The U. S is offshoring white-collar computer programming jobs to India because _____. a. Indians are better programmers than Americans b. Indians speak better English than Americans . Indian programmers cost one-fourth the cost of equivalent American programmers d. all of the above 13. Political risks are any governmental actions or politically motivated events that adversely affect the _____. a. capacity of the company to survive long-run profitability or value of the company b. personal safety of corporate managers and employees c. company’s capacity to meet consumer needs 14. _____ occurs when the local government seizes the foreign-owned assets of the MNC and provides inadequate compensation. a. Nationalization b. Expropriation c. Confiscation d. Repatriation 15. Suppose the government of Karakozia seizes all assets of Pepsi in Karakozia without offering any compensation to the company. This action on the part of the government is an example of _____. a. nationalization b. repatriation c. expropriation d. confiscation 16. Zagreb Inc. , negotiates a multi-million dollar contract with the government to provide electricity to country A. The government is voted out of power shortly after and the new government changes the contract for all oil producing companies. This is an example of _____. a. barriers to repatriation . expropriation c. confiscation d. micro political risk 17. Micro political risk events are those that affect _____. a. numerous industries or companies b. several other nations in the same region c. one industry or company or a few companies d. managers and employees who are nationals 18. Which of the following is not one of the seven typical political risk events common today? a. loss of technology or intellectua l property rights b. political takeovers and civil wars c. discriminatory treatment in the application of laws d. interference in managerial decision making 19. Expropriation of corporate assets without prompt and adequate compensation is an example of _____. a. economic risk b. political risk c. legal risk d. cultural risk 20. Risk assessment by multinational corporations usually takes two forms: _____ and _____. a. use of experts or consultants; newspaper reports b. use of experts or consultants; internal staff c. use of internal staff; publications d. government risk reports; computer modeling 21. Which of the following is a form of hedging? a. staged contribution strategies b. development assistance c. local debt financing d. ocalization of the operation 22. Representatives of a MNC seek an interview with local government leaders in the Department of Commerce in India with a view to assess the types of policies likely to be implemented. According to Mathis, this is an example of ______. a. qualitative approach b. quantitative approach c. checklist approach d. a combination of all of the above 23. The host country’s legal system is derived from ______. a. common law b. civil law c. Islamic law d. all of the above 24. Tariffs and quotas are examples of what types of policies? a. protectionist b. conomic development c. free market d. political development 25. Some countries rigorously enforce employee secrecy agreements in order to _____. a. protect a firm’s intellectual property b. restrict labor mobility c. avoid costly litigation among firms d. all of the above 26. About 70 countries, predominantly in Europe, are ruled by ______ law, as is Japan. a. common b. Islamic c. civil d. custom 27. Political risk insurance is a form of _____. a. input control b. development assistance c. equity sharing d. hedging 28. When a MNC keeps certain key subsidiary management positions in the hands f expatriate or home-office managers, it is exercising ______. a. input control b. market control c. position control d. bureaucratic control 29. Companies often reduce risk in foreign countries by creating dependency of a subsidiary on the host country. Which of the following is not a means of maintaining dependency? a. market control b. equity sharing c. staged contri bution strategies d. input control 30. Which of the following risk management strategies is not a means of adaptation? a. participative management b. development assistance c. funds sharing d. localization of the operatio

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Bulldog Boxer vs Pit Bull Essay Example

Bulldog Boxer vs Pit Bull Essay Example Bulldog Boxer vs Pit Bull Essay Bulldog Boxer vs Pit Bull Essay Essay Topic: Jaws The Boxer vs. The American Staffordshire Terrier Melanie Donaldson EN 1101 Mr. L December 21, 2010 The Boxer vs. The American Staffordshire Terrier What makes these two dogs so similar is that they are two of the top most popular pets in the United States. It been said, that dogs are mans best friend, and because of this, it makes them great companions. These two breeds, the Boxer and the American Staffordshire terrier fit very easily into a family life. When an owner tells his dog that he is a good boy, the dog happily wags its tail. Then, there are those times when an owner has to discipline his dog, the dog, then creeps away with that sad puppy dog look on its face. According to Jill Viers (2009), a dog will love you unconditionally; it will be there till the end. Doesnt it deserve the same when it is truly mans best friend† (para. 6) The Boxer, and the American Staffordshire terrier; both possess the intelligence, muscular strength, and guardian of all dogs; this is what makes both of these two breeds so desirable. For starts, the Boxer and the American Staffordshire terrier were first used for the sport of dog fighting, and bull baiting until it was banned in the early 1900s. According to Angela Harris (2009), â€Å"Bull-baiting is a very old form of entertainment. The blood sport goes as far back as the ancient cultures of the Romans, Greeks, and Egyptians. Bull baiting became very popular in medieval times. This produced a huge demand for dogs that were effective bull baiter â€Å"(para. 1) The Boxer was first breed in the early 19th century, they used them for dog fighting, bull baiting and to run down, hold, large game for their master. The Boxer received their name because of their ability to stand on their hind legs and bat at its opponent, appearing to box with its front paws, hence the name, Boxer. Then, later in Germany, the Boxer became the breed known for their intellect, alertness, and muscular strength. Germany later used them as guard and police dogs because of their alertness. After World War 1, the Boxer came to America, where their popularity grew in the states. Whereas, the American Staffordshire terrier has a similar background as the Boxer, hey also were fighters and bull baiting, until they bred it out of both breeds. According to the American kennel club (2010), Originally called the Bull-and-Terrier Dog, Half and Half or Pit Dog, it became known as the Staffordshire Bull Terrier in England. When accepted for AKC registration in 1936, the name changed to American Staffordshire Terrier to reflect the heavier American type and to distinguish them as separate breed. † (para. 1). The American Sta ffordshire served in World War l, and brought back over to the states. Nevertheless, both breeds are very protective of their family. Therefore, these two breeds are similar in their appearance, and general impression on how the hold themselves. The Boxer is a medium-sized dog, with a strong head and good short back with strong limbs. A Boxer should have a broad and blunt muzzle with a black nose. This gives them their unique look of alertness and character. His well-developed muscles are clean, hard, and appear smooth under this breed tight skin. His movement combines strength and agility with elegance and style. They have a chiseled head, which splits the Boxer unique head imparts. Then, you have those deep, dark brown eyes that offer an intelligent and alert expression. Similarly, the American Staffordshire terrier gives you an impression of great strength for it size, well-put together dog, and extremely strong for its size. Additionally, they have a broad head with a medium length muzzle, and their eyes are dark, round and set deep in their head, with very strong jaws. They should have a very broad and deep chest, with a muscular hindquarter, which makes them a very strong and protective breed of dog with great instincts. This makes them a great guardian, as they will let you know when to beware of strangers; they are a very devoted family dog. In addition, these two breeds also have similar temperance. The Boxer is a very playful, attentive, and a very must a family dog. The Boxer is also very gentle with children, but they do have a tendency for being stubborn, but they also have a sensitive side to them. The Boxer can be aggressive towards strange dogs, but usually they are good with other family pets. The playful spirit of this dog is seen by when it paws at food or at its water dishes when they are empty or even by its love of jumping. The Boxer needs a lot of human companionship, and an active family is best in keeping them out of trouble. Training early on his highly recommended with this breed. As for the American Staffordshire terrier goes, it is also playful, friendly and a great companion for the family. This breed is gentle and loving towards people, as they are good-natured in spirit. They are very protective of their family and their families’ property, but they are normally gentle with children. In addition, with any breeds, early socialization is very important to prevent possible dog aggression. However, a well-trained American Staffordshire terrier can make a wonderful addition to a family with a strong owner. More importantly, when it comes to their health, the Boxers are usually healthy, but because of their limited gene pool, boxers can be more prone to health problems than the American Staffordshire terrier. This is because the Boxers have a much narrower waist than the average dog, which makes them prone to digestive, pancreas, tumors and heart conditions. The Boxer does not do well in the heat or in the cold weather due to their short muzzle and coat. In addition, a Boxer lifespan is about eight to twelve years. Whereas, the American Staffordshire terrier lifespan is twelve to fourteen years and are a lot healthy then the Boxer. The American Staffordshire can be prone to heart murmurs, thyroid problems, skin allergies, tumors, and hip dysplasia. Otherwise, they are a healthy breed. However, as far as grooming and maintenance on these two breeds, it is easy as they both have the small kind of coat. A Boxer’s coat is short and shiny that lies very smooth and tight against their body. So does the American Staffordshire terrier; they also have the same kind of coat close to the skin with a glossy shine. Both breeds are to be an average shedding dog, and very clean. They should be brush on a regular basis, as this helps their coat keep their shine. The Boxer colors are either fawn and white or brindle. However, on the American Staffordshire terrier, they pretty much can be any color including being brindle, fawn and white. In summary, both breeds have their good and bad qualities. It all depends on the owner and the training the dog receives. The Boxer rates number five in popularity; considered one of the best guard dogs, as well as a good family pet. The Boxer also has another advantage over the American Staffordshire, and that it is excellent with all children. Finally, the Boxer also does well with other pets in the household. Not like the American Staffordshire terrier, where it needs raised with the family from puppyhood. References American kennel club-boxer. (2005, March 30). In akc. org. Retrieved December 17, 2010, from akc. org/breeds/boxer/ Bulldog-Boxer. (2010, June 29). In bulldog breeds. com. Retrieved December 18, 2010, from bulldogbreeds. com/boxer. html American kennel club-american staffordshire terrier. (n. d. ). In akc. org. Retrieved December 20, 2010, from akc. org/breeds/american_staffordshire_terrier/ Dog breeds american staffordshire terriers. (n. d. ). In five star dog. com. Retrieved December 19, 2010, from 5stardog. com/dog-breeds-american-staffordshire-terrier. asp

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Migration. Multiculturalism. Mobilization Essay

Migration. Multiculturalism. Mobilization - Essay Example Voltaire (quoted above), the French Historian and Philosopher, spoke about the concept of religious diversity centuries ago and reflected a prosperous society as a result of this diversity. Many years, wars and generations later, the world has become a much smaller place especially with the rise of globalization and constant travel of people. The last century on-looked the surfacing of a cluster of social, intellectual and political movements led by diverse factions as the indigenous communities, national minorities, ethno-cultural populations, old and new immigrants, feminists, gay men and women. These inhabitants symbolized distinctive practices, customs, lifestyles, views and ways of life that are different from, often disapproved of, and in varying degrees discouraged and criticized by the prevailing culture of the wider society (Parekh 2000). Ethnic and cultural pluralism that are the foundations of multiculturalism in Western societies, have been a cause of debate and considera ble criticism amongst the politics and general public. This essay studies the role multiculturalism has in the socio-political and economical context. Defining Multiculturalism The conception of multiculturalism symbolizes a relatively new approach to elucidate the age-old process of civilizations and re-settlement. Migration and multiculturalism have become critical points in political agendas across the globe. However, before dwelling into the details of political and sociological complexities of multiculturalism, it is important to understand what the term means and review its available definitions. In his book, Multicultural Citizenship: A Liberal Theory of Minority Rights, Canadian philosopher and multiculturalism researcher Will Kymlicka has discussed upon the conundrum of defining multiculturalism (Kymlicka 1995). He debates that the term multicultural is either too vague, because it clusters multination and poly-ethnic, or is too broad as it can embrace non-ethnic social gro ups, like the disabled, gays and feminists, etc.   This argument over the coverage of the term stems from the scholarly disagreements over definitions of culture.  The following are a number of definitions for â€Å"multiculturalism† in peer-reviewed research: â€Å"Multiculturalism is a system of beliefs and behaviors that recognizes and respects the presence of all diverse groups in an organization or society, acknowledges and values their socio-cultural differences, and encourages and enables their continued contribution within an inclusive cultural context which empowers all within the organization or society.† (Rosado 1996) â€Å" Multiculturalism is the co-existence of diverse cultures, where culture includes racial, religious, or cultural groups and is manifested in customary behaviours, cultural assumptions and values, patterns of thinking, and communicative styles.† (IFLA 2005) â€Å" Multiculturalism can be defined as the challenging, the dismantl ing, the remaking of public identities in order to achieve an equality of citizenship that is neither merely individualistic nor premised on assimilation." (Modood 2005) â€Å"Multiculturalism is concerned with the representation, not of difference as such, but of cultural identities.† (Henry Louis Gates 1993). It should be noted that despite the fact that the term â€Å"cultural identities† is used in defining multiculturalism, the author argues against the inclusion of gender and sexual identities in a culture specific context. Author Dan Rodriguez-Garcia, in his paper on assimilation and multiculturalism, has defined a multiculturalist or pluralist society as â€Å"

Friday, October 18, 2019

Effects of divorce on children Research Proposal

Effects of divorce on children - Research Proposal Example (Clark-Stewart, 2007) In this regard, it is very important that core principles should be taught to the people of American society, which will help in achieving a potential and mature individual. Divorce of a number of parents is resulting in suffering of more than a million children in the United States. Moreover, studies have indicated that every year, half of children’s population suffers effects of divorce around the country. Evidence related to social science has shown that present and future generations of society are affected socially, economically, emotionally, as well as, physically by devastating effects of divorce. In brief, this paper will try to define, discuss, and analyze some of the aspects of divorce that affects the children. Statistics have specified that an increasing number of children are reported to be involved in different cases of abuse, who were living with divorced parents. More emotional and behavioral problems are exhibited by such children, who are an important part of human society. Moreover, higher frequency in drug abuse and crime has been reported with children living with single divorced parent. (Clark-Stewart, 2007) In educational terms, reading, math, and spelling are some subjects that are severely affected after divorce of the parents. In some of the states, lower rates of college graduation are observed in children with divorced parents. In other words, divorce affects the children on intellectual platform as well, which is responsible for significant development of the society. Additionally, fifty percent drop in grades is observed in children that experience divorce of their parents, as compared with their grades before the divorce. Eighty-five percent of adolescents have reported state of loneliness after the divorce, which shows the emotional effect of divorce on the children. Religion is an important aspect of human life, which has been associated with a number of activities, and studies have shown that

The United Nations and international order Essay

The United Nations and international order - Essay Example From the research it can be comprehended that when the Great powers came together in the immediate aftermath of the Second World War, the prevailing issues that obviated the need to form the United Nation were limited to those factors that characterized oppressive powers in Germany, Japan and Italy. Thus international order was perceived in an entirely different way than it is perceived today. Moreover, the founding fathers were embattled having just endured a major war and wanted to take advantage of the failures attributed to the League of Nations in that it had not been able to prevent a Second World War. The resolution was perceived as cooperation among the international community. However, the veto powers and the virtual autonomy of the five permanent members to the United Nation illustrate that the United Nation has been far from cooperative in coping with the prevention, management and cessation of breaches of the peace. Be that as it may, since the establishing of the United Nation the world has not suffered through a world war. It can therefore be argued that maintaining the world peace may not require international cooperation as called for by the United Nation. However, having regard to the proxy wars in the Middle East, the Gulf Wars and many other conflicts and humanitarian crimes, the effectiveness of the United Nation in maintaining international order, peace and security is seriously in doubt... Similarly, the UN decided on promoting peace and security via a framework that consisted of an â€Å"international organization† as opposed to the League of Nation’s framework of a global government.4 Thus the UN set out to consciously distance itself from the failed League of Nations. Setting the general tone of equality among the international community, Article 2(1) of the UN Charter 1945 specifically states that the UN was â€Å"based on sovereign equality of all of its Members†.5 The UK and the USSR were opposed to the UN becoming involved in anything outside of political and security issues. Even so, it was determined that the UN could not be effective without the authority to delve into the underlying root causes of armed conflict such as the economic, social and ideological factors the create tensions among and within states.6 In this regard, the UN’s mandate in maintaining international order would be somewhat expansive. It would not merely limit the scope of its authority to actual conflict, but would take on a much broader role in the international order. Early Challenges to the UN’s International Order Agenda The Allies of the Second World War were for all intents and purposes the founding fathers of the UN. Collectively, the Allies were the world’s Great Powers, having successfully defeated fascism and the Nazi powers. Thus the Great Powers assumed a pivotal role in the UN’s peacekeeping mandate that was designed to maintain and regulate international order. At the time, the main powers with the authority to negotiate peace and order were vested in the US and the USSR. The prevailing belief was that world peace and security was not possible unless the Great Powers cooperated and coordinated efforts to prevent and punish â€Å"aggression†. 7

Leader of a Business Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Leader of a Business - Research Paper Example One more thing that justifies the discussion about the person in this paper is that the hotel belonging to this group (Taj Mahal, Mumbai, India) has born the brunt of terrorist attacks and has been reopened within a month. As a result, the author of this paper felt that one can find organizational behavior/management as well as conflict management techniques in the actions of the person mentioned in this paper; Ratan Tata, who succeeded the group as part of the legacy of Tata's family. The personality of Ratan Tata is reflected in his activities as he developed management of Tata Sons into a think tank that contemplates group's vertical as well as horizontal expansion. His leadership prompted the directors of the company as well as heads of various industries to innovate the products and to reach a common man as well as middle-class people in third world countries as well as targeting the rich customers. Regarding personality development of this person, he has transformed a lot from the date he received his bachelor degree in 1962 and transformed his company to a strategic think tank from just a manufacturing think tank. The important trait in Ratan Tata is that he inherited the fact that the holding company can manage with minor share along with the fact that enables a company to expand through acquisitions. With the revenues of his group companies, his group successfully acquired Corus Group Plc for 6.2billin GBP, which demonstrates his cash utilizing techniques for expansion of the business. Hence, one can state that he has good management techniques as his group is able to manage the companies with a minor stake and he is able to convince the group companies to mobilize cash for acquisitions. This demonstrates his planning that is able to convince the majority shareholders and directors, who have real control over the company with a major amount of shares. As a result, his personality is a mix of organizational management (managing the group with minor share) and planning future endeavors.

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Personal Philosophy of Leadership Development Assignment

Personal Philosophy of Leadership Development - Assignment Example A leader is different from a manager. Qualities define a leader. These qualities are inborn and it means leaders are born. Skills that a person acquires make him or her manager. This means that not all managers are leaders. Leadership means service to the people. A leader is a servant to the people he leads. He is bestowed with the responsibility of bettering the lives of his or her followers. Leadership development is useful to individuals who aim at improving their leadership skills. Leadership development is important as it creates a passion in leaders to lead their followers and serve them accordingly. This paper articulates my personal philosophy of leadership development and my development as a leader. Unique qualities characterize a leader. First leaders must possess character. Actions define character. Leaders understand that success is founded on character. An ideal leader possesses strong character, which assures the people he leads, that he will provide success. First impressions create lasting impression. A leader has to seal the deal with a first impression. Charisma does it for first impressions. Making others feel good is the best way of having charisma. A leader has to be courageous. People cannot put their trust in a coward. Courage builds confidence, and self-confidence is leadership at work. An ideal leader has focus. Focus entails prioritizing important factors and concentrating on them to accomplishment. Priorities without concentration gets nothing done, resulting to no progress. Concentration without priories limits growth and progress.

Directors in Film Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Directors in Film Industry - Essay Example This paper will compare and contrasts the style and technique of two directors: Sergio Leone and Alejandro Jodorowsky. Sergio Leone and Alejandro Jodorowsky are considered as great directors as they were successful in their directors’ roles, which spanned over several decades. In particular, Sergio Leone managed to merge his own brand of epic myth-making and his movie-made dreams to create films that performed exceptionally well and earned the generic signature of their own. Although the films that he directed such as â€Å"the Good, the bad and the Ugly†, For a Few Dollars More, and A Fistful of Dollars† had initially been mocked as being nihilistically violent spaghetti Westerns, they stirred up the floundering genre which turned Leone into an internationally-acclaimed director (Frayling 47). Leone is not just considered a great director based on the films that he directed, but also based on the huge influence that he had in the film industry from the late 1960s until the time of his death in 1989. More importantly, Leone is credited for establishing a parallel filmmaking education thereby inspiring and nurturing many upcoming artists in the industry. His creativity made him to be adored in the film industry; in particular, the film titled â€Å"A Fistful of Dollars† (1964) was a sheer display of creativity. This film was centred on a gory conflict that involved a sly gunslinger and rival families and was a re-imagination of hallowed Western myths. The movie had pastoral settings accompanied by folk instruments, sound effects, and surf guitar. It is the subsequent films that he directed that sealed his status as one of the world’s premier directors. A more expansive sequel that he directed â€Å"The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly† (1966) was popular in Europe and America despite criticism from some quotas that he was desecrating the Western. Besides, this film revived Hollywood’s interest regarding the ailing genre , thereby creating avenues for new cycle of Western critics (Frayling 105). Like Sergio Leone, Alejandro Jodorowsky was an equally great director and he made his mark in the visual arts and film industry. Most cult cinema enthusiasts venerate him and his contribution in the film industry is acknowledged wide and far. His films presented magical and strange visions that cannot be understood or categorized easily. It is important to note that his role in the film industry was informed by his life experiences and beliefs. Particularly, Jodorowsky was informed by his spiritual journey (Cobb 38). Therefore, it is not surprising to see his cinematic output being filled with a hybrid blend of religious provocation and mysticism, as well as violently surreal images. Not only did his films provide entertainment to the audience, but also inspired youth counterculture movement specifically in the late 1960s and some early years of 1970s. His greatness is depicted by the fact that unlike other directors who were celebrated as contributors in critical establishment, Jodorowsky gained his prominence by bringing esoteric and surreal sensibilities to the screen through his controversial films such as El Topo, and Fando y Lis. His greatness is also depicted in the multiple capabilities that he had: he wrote films, he starred in some of personal films, as well as scoring and directing the films. Additionally, he brought new ideas and

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Leader of a Business Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3250 words

Leader of a Business - Research Paper Example One more thing that justifies the discussion about the person in this paper is that the hotel belonging to this group (Taj Mahal, Mumbai, India) has born the brunt of terrorist attacks and has been reopened within a month. As a result, the author of this paper felt that one can find organizational behavior/management as well as conflict management techniques in the actions of the person mentioned in this paper; Ratan Tata, who succeeded the group as part of the legacy of Tata's family. The personality of Ratan Tata is reflected in his activities as he developed management of Tata Sons into a think tank that contemplates group's vertical as well as horizontal expansion. His leadership prompted the directors of the company as well as heads of various industries to innovate the products and to reach a common man as well as middle-class people in third world countries as well as targeting the rich customers. Regarding personality development of this person, he has transformed a lot from the date he received his bachelor degree in 1962 and transformed his company to a strategic think tank from just a manufacturing think tank. The important trait in Ratan Tata is that he inherited the fact that the holding company can manage with minor share along with the fact that enables a company to expand through acquisitions. With the revenues of his group companies, his group successfully acquired Corus Group Plc for 6.2billin GBP, which demonstrates his cash utilizing techniques for expansion of the business. Hence, one can state that he has good management techniques as his group is able to manage the companies with a minor stake and he is able to convince the group companies to mobilize cash for acquisitions. This demonstrates his planning that is able to convince the majority shareholders and directors, who have real control over the company with a major amount of shares. As a result, his personality is a mix of organizational management (managing the group with minor share) and planning future endeavors.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Directors in Film Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Directors in Film Industry - Essay Example This paper will compare and contrasts the style and technique of two directors: Sergio Leone and Alejandro Jodorowsky. Sergio Leone and Alejandro Jodorowsky are considered as great directors as they were successful in their directors’ roles, which spanned over several decades. In particular, Sergio Leone managed to merge his own brand of epic myth-making and his movie-made dreams to create films that performed exceptionally well and earned the generic signature of their own. Although the films that he directed such as â€Å"the Good, the bad and the Ugly†, For a Few Dollars More, and A Fistful of Dollars† had initially been mocked as being nihilistically violent spaghetti Westerns, they stirred up the floundering genre which turned Leone into an internationally-acclaimed director (Frayling 47). Leone is not just considered a great director based on the films that he directed, but also based on the huge influence that he had in the film industry from the late 1960s until the time of his death in 1989. More importantly, Leone is credited for establishing a parallel filmmaking education thereby inspiring and nurturing many upcoming artists in the industry. His creativity made him to be adored in the film industry; in particular, the film titled â€Å"A Fistful of Dollars† (1964) was a sheer display of creativity. This film was centred on a gory conflict that involved a sly gunslinger and rival families and was a re-imagination of hallowed Western myths. The movie had pastoral settings accompanied by folk instruments, sound effects, and surf guitar. It is the subsequent films that he directed that sealed his status as one of the world’s premier directors. A more expansive sequel that he directed â€Å"The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly† (1966) was popular in Europe and America despite criticism from some quotas that he was desecrating the Western. Besides, this film revived Hollywood’s interest regarding the ailing genre , thereby creating avenues for new cycle of Western critics (Frayling 105). Like Sergio Leone, Alejandro Jodorowsky was an equally great director and he made his mark in the visual arts and film industry. Most cult cinema enthusiasts venerate him and his contribution in the film industry is acknowledged wide and far. His films presented magical and strange visions that cannot be understood or categorized easily. It is important to note that his role in the film industry was informed by his life experiences and beliefs. Particularly, Jodorowsky was informed by his spiritual journey (Cobb 38). Therefore, it is not surprising to see his cinematic output being filled with a hybrid blend of religious provocation and mysticism, as well as violently surreal images. Not only did his films provide entertainment to the audience, but also inspired youth counterculture movement specifically in the late 1960s and some early years of 1970s. His greatness is depicted by the fact that unlike other directors who were celebrated as contributors in critical establishment, Jodorowsky gained his prominence by bringing esoteric and surreal sensibilities to the screen through his controversial films such as El Topo, and Fando y Lis. His greatness is also depicted in the multiple capabilities that he had: he wrote films, he starred in some of personal films, as well as scoring and directing the films. Additionally, he brought new ideas and

Hot Seat Chapter 16 Essay Example for Free

Hot Seat Chapter 16 Essay 1 . The fundamental ideas associated with the mercantile theory were: that everything was to benefit the mother country, each nation was trying to achieve self-sufficiency, colonies and agriculture would improve economy and raw materials, and the country must benefit at the expense of others. For the most part, these ideas along with a few other minor pieces helped European nations to conquer much of the New and old world. Great Britain was the most successful with a vast overseas empire through North America, the West Indies, Africa and into India. They governed their colonies effectively and efficiently maximizing power and economic strength over the world. The least successful would probably be Portugal. They initially started out strong, finding trade routes along Africa into Asia and conquering Brazil, however by the 18th century their empire had diminished to slight control of Brazil and almost no other colonies. 2. The main points of conflict between Britain and France in North America were in the St. Lawrence River valley and the Ohio River valley. These areas were huge enters of trade and influence of the Native Americans that both the French and English desired. In the West Indies the conflict was mainly over crops and through naval battles. These skirmishes affected overseas trade and the flow of resources. In India, the conflict was mainly restricted to port cities and factories set up by the early English and French settlers along the Indian subcontinent. 3. Triangle trade was an extremely useful trading method to transport goods, raw materials, and resources between Europe, the Americas, and Africa. European sailors ould travel down to Africa and exchange weapons (mostly) for African slaves from West African kings. These slaves were typically prisoners of war that the rival African cities wanted to get rid of. Europeans would transport these slaves to the West Indies and North American colonies were they would be traded for bullion and raw materials found and grown in the New World. Finally those ships would take the materials back to Europe were they could be sold and traded to the rest of the world. Triangle trade was an effective way for mercantilist empires to become more self- ufficient and grow economically. 4. Initially, the Spanish conquered and controlled the largest empire in the Americas. They had colonies in much of the rich West Indies, all throughout Central America, most of South America, and the South West of North America. They would split much of their territories into Judicial councils called audiencias. Each audiencia had a local official loyal to the Spanish crown called a Corregidor. Before the Bourbon reforms, Queen Isabella had assigned much of the colonial control to the Council of the Indies, hich nominated viceroys for the New World. Trade was mostly ruled by a flota system of yearly shipping with Spain. With the Bourbon reforms, Charles Ill attemoted to reassert Spanish control over the colonies. He allowed more than one Spanish city (Cadiz) to trade with the New World and opened more Caribbean ports. colonists) as the heads of society. They were the elites while the creoles were subordinate. 5. Slavery was introduced to the Americas through the triangle trading networks where large numbers of blacks were brought over form Africa. This wasnt the first nstitution of slavery, however it is one of the worst recordings of slavery throughout history. Slavery became a fundamental part of the plantation system and completely necessary to the New World colonies economies. Without slaves, much of the intense economic growth experienced by the New World and Europe would not have occurred. The plantation system helped drive inhumane treatment of slaves because they were then seen as property, farm tools, that could be replaced. When they misbehaved or didnt function properly, the plantation owners would either fix them through torture) or kill them. Despite the harsh treatment of slaves, our country and many others would arguably never have gotten to where it is today without them. 6. By the end of the Seven Years War, France and Austria came out defeated. In Europe, almost no borders or politics changed. Germany was still disputed and Prussia remained a strong power with England at its back. In North America, France lost all of their colonies and possessions. England and her North American colonies defeated the French and with the Treaty of Paris, cast them out. The only real foothold France now held in the New World were through its West Indies possessions. Great Britain now came out as a world power and probably the strongest nation up until the USAs uprising. 7. Many European, especially British, events and ideas helped influence the American Revolution and drive the colonists to rebel. The John Wilkes affair which challenged the Kings power and the influence of Parliament. John Wilkes criticized the peace negotiations with France after the Seven Years War and gained much support from mall property owners and the nobles who wished to drain the kings power. America saw these demonstrations of proof as to the tyrannical nature of a monarchy. The Glorious Revolution also showed to the colonists how sometimes a new government must be instated to protect the people. Thinkers like John Locke and Thomas Paine also widely influenced the minds of many Americans. The American Revolution also caused a domino effect over much of the New World colonies like Haiti and other South American areas. It displayed the Enlightenment characteristics and helped inspire the French revolution. Great British political radicals saw that taxation of their North American colonies as far and Just. England had protected and defended them throughout the Seven Years War and they must share some of the burden. Also, American colonists paid significantly less taxes than the English citizens in Great Britain so they had no reason to complain. Americans were outraged because they were only represented through virtual representation. They felt that if the Parliament wished to tax the colonies, they must give them fair representation in Parliament, no taxation without